Where We Are

Architecture is prompted with the alignment of our environment with our habitation goals. This begs the question... What Are Our Habitation Goals? We seek to align our habitats with our known physiological and phycological needs as individuals, family members, and community members both domestic and international

What We Need

Architecture was born from the idea of proportion as a driving motive to set rules for passageways and rooms dimensions. The core of which works to understand how and environment should be suited for human. With todays understanding of our civilized needs and ergonomics we can realize a routine and program driven design approach that works to optimize accessibility.

Where We're Going

40% of our energy consumption goes into the building of our environments. Efficiency. The need for a better way of building for the post life of a product as much its the useful life

The Voodshop

Getting There Together

As we seek to understand more about to assemble our built environments we acknowledge our potential to open our learnings to our communities. This has become a core principle of our facilities to help better train our community members of all ages so that we have the skills necessary to understand our world and our physiological and psychological requirements